What is Rapid Application Development (RAD)?
Rapid Application Development (RAD) is an approach that focuses on developing rapid applications through frequent reiterations & continuous feedback. In the competitive software market, there is a growing demand for new applications & the IT industry is stressed out to convey the products faster & because of this RAD is the requirement. RAD methodology was formed by tech-consultant and author James Martin in 1991. Rapid Application Development was a forerunner to swift project management, popularly growing with agile businesses seeking [...]
How B2B Companies are using WebRTC for communication in 2020
The WebRTC technology is an HTML5 specification used to add real-time media communication unswervingly between the browser and multiple user devices. It is Web Real-Time Communication that supports audio, video & generic data communication to function within web pages without installation of plugins or download of native apps. It is Google that released OSS i.e. Open Source Software for browser real-time communication called WebRTC, its first implementation was put up in 2011 by Ericsson Labs using a modified Webkit Library. [...]
What is Augmented Reality & VR Technology?
Augmented Reality (AR) & Virtual Reality (VR) both share a common line between them is that the realities are changed to our differing insights into the real world. Augmented Reality or AR is the digitally created content i.e. superimposed or overlapping on the real world. AR enables the user to communicate or best interact with the 3D digital models or augmented elements in the real world. AR is offered to the user experience through headsets such as Microsoft’s HoloLens or [...]
Augmented Reality: The Art of Creating 3D Animations
The Augmented Reality (AR) is an interactive experience matching with reality where the objects are advanced & developed by computer graphics with a perceptual knowledge through multiple sensory modalities such as audio, visual, haptic, sensory nervous system & olfaction which means AR can be implemented to all the senses i.e. hearing, touch, smell &, etc. Augmented Reality is one that alters the users’ unending approach to a real-world environment. As AR is similar to mixed reality & computer-mediated reality it [...]
What are the 5 emerging Technologies?
Innovation & technology is revolutionizing the future of this dynamic world every moment & we are to witness its experience. Many discoveries and inventions envisioning the possibility of choices in technological workspace play a prominent role in today’s advanced competitive age of the business realm. Let’s see the set of top emerging technologies of 2020 reducing the human efforts as per CompTIA (Computing Technology Industry Assn.) reports released for the global technology industry. Artificial Intelligence AI achieves the top spot [...]
Heart Animation – Heart Pumping Blood Video
We have the know-how tools and techniques along with the expertise to bring 3D medical conditions to life on screen through 3D animation, so patients and care providers like Physicians & surgeons, medical students & professionals around the world can better understand the presented topic and material. With the blend of different mediums such as 3D animation, virtual reality, voiceover, and live-action video, we can narrate a story that resonates with your target audience. We serve the purpose of raising [...]